Oct 20, 2011

Barbie's Value

Since Barbie launch into the market, Mattel has experienced a significantly rise in its earnings. Barbie has a wide range of products that vary from the original and well-known Barbie dolls, Barbie’s friends, all kind of accessories such as cars, beach houses, doll houses, until pink clothing created specially for girls to dress up as Barbie does.

All kinds of products have emerged from this brand. Barbie’s pink color that distinguishes the brand has been recognized all around the world.

School bags, notebooks, decoration lamps, closets, quilts, cell phones, Barbie has aroused with every item a girl would like to have its branding.

Mattel states that every second, three Barbie doll are being sold somewhere around the world.

Every second!

During this year, Mattel Inc. reported for the three months that ended March 31st, sales totaled $951.9 million dollars compared with $880.1 million for the same quarter a year earlier. (Los Angeles Times)

It is said that Mattel is one of the most producing and selling toy makers in the market.
For this reason, Mattel has already won a lawsuit against their competitors, the Bratz dolls creators, and Mattel has accomplished to remain in the top of dolls sales. 


Chang, Andrea. "Mattel Earnings: Mattel Reports First-quarter Drop in Profit - Los Angeles Times." Featured Articles From The Los Angeles Times. 16 Apr. 2011. Web. 20 Oct. 2011. <http://articles.latimes.com/2011/apr/16/business/la-fi-0416-mattel-earnings-20110416>.

1 comment:

  1. I knew that Barbie was a worldwide brand, but I did not now that they sell three Barbies every second. I believe that there is never going to be a brand that overcomes Barbie brand. Barbie has achieved a lot of goal since it was created, and as you mentioned it has extended not only to dolls but also to a variety of things for young girls, as clothes and make up. I remember that I always wanted a Barbie car, I never got one, but I got the typical doll, collection dolls, bags, make up and clothes and all this was Barbie brand articles. The funniest thing is that I never asked for any of this stuff not even for the Barbie dolls, all I wanted was the car because it was big enough to play with it and to win the car races. If that was my case, I wonder how many Barbie articles a girl may have if most of the girls do want their toys and stuff to be Barbie brand.
